
Publications index : articles profile

Full papers (LEPA laboratory - Prof. Hubert Girault)

Ring magnets for Magnetic Beads Trapping in a Capillary. A-L Gassner, J. Morandini, J. Josserand, H.H. Girault, Analytical Methods, vol. 3, p. 614-621, 2011. Supplementary information (pdf)

Magnetic forces produced by rectangular permanent magnets in static microsystems. A-L Gassner, M Abonnenc, H-X Chen, J Morandini, J Josserand, J S Rossier, J-M Busnel, and H.H. Girault In Lab on a Chip . Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, volume 9, number 16, pages 2356-2363, 2009.
Supplementary information (pdf)

Magnetic track array for efficient bead capture in microchannels. M Abonnenc, A-L Gassner, J Morandini, J Josserand, and H.H. Girault In Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, volume 395, number 3, pages 747-757, 2009.

Sandwich mixer–reactor : influence of the diffusion coefficient and flow rate ratios. M Abonnenc, J Josserand, and H H Girault In Lab Chip, volume 9, page 440–448, 2009.

Mixing Processes in a Zigzag Microchannel : Finite Element Simulations and Optical Study. V. Mengeaud, J. Josserand, and H. H. Girault In Analytical Chemistry, volume 74, number 16, page 4279, 2002.
(pdf version)

Finite Element Simulation of Pinched Pressure-Driven Flow Injection in Microchannels. X. Bai, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, J. S. Rossier, and H. H. Girault In Analytical Chemistry, volume 74, number 24, page 6205, 2002. (pdf version)

Two-Phase Partition Chromatography in Microchannels for Moderated Log P Measurements. S. M. Ulmeanu, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, G. Bouchard, P.-A. Carrupt, and H. H. Girault In Journal of Chromatography A, volume 1063, number 1-2, page 89, 2005. (pdf version)

Protein adsorption in static microsystems : effect of the surface to volume ratio. A. Lionello, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, and H. H. Girault In Lab on a Chip, volume 5, page 254, 2005. (pdf version)

Dynamic protein adsorption in microchannels by "stop-flow" and continuous flow. A. Lionello, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, and H. H. Girault In Lab Chip, volume 5, page 1096, 2005. (pdf version)

Modeling the Isoelectric Focusing of Peptides in an OFFGEL Multicompartment Cell. H.T. Lam, J. Josserand, N. Lion, and H. H. Girault In Journal of Proteome Research, volume 6, number 5, pages 1666-1676, 2007.

Electrochemical Multi-Tagging of Cysteinyl Peptides during Microspray Mass Spectrometry: Numerical Simulation of Consecutive Reactions in a Microchannel. L. Dayon, J. Josserand, and H. H. Girault In Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, volume 7, number 24, pages 4054-4060, 2005.

Numerical Investigation of an Electrochemically Induced Tagging in a Nanospray for Protein Analysis. T. C. Rohner, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, and H. H. Girault In Analytical Chemistry, volume 75, number 9, page 2065, 2003.

Passive Conductivity Detection for Capillary Electrophoresis. X. Bai, Z. Wu, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, H. Schafer, and H. H. Girault In Analytical Chemistry, volume 76, number 11, page 3126, 2004.

Finite element simulation of Off-Gel buffering. I. L. Arnaud, J. Josserand, J. S. Rossier, and H. H. Girault In Electrophoresis, volume 23, number 19, page 3253, 2002.


Ion current rectification and rectification inversion in conical nanopores: a perm-selective view. D. Momotenko, F. Cortes Salazar, J. Josserand, S. Liu and Y. Shoa et al. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 13, p. 5430-5440, 2011.

Iontophoretic Fraction Collection for Coupling Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. J-M Busnel, J Josserand, N Lion, and H H Girault In Anal. Chem., volume 81, pages 3867-3872, 2009.

On-column conductivity detection in capillary-chip electrophoresis. Z.-Y. Wu, F. Fang, J. Josserand, and H.H. Girault In Electrophoresis, volume 28, number 24, pages 4612-4619, 2007.

Salt Removal During Off-Gel Electrophoresis of Protein Samples. I. L. Arnaud, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, N. Lion, C. Roussel, and H. H. Girault In Electrophoresis, volume 26, number 9, page 1650, 2005.

Hydrovoltaic cells. Part II: Thermogalvanic cells and numerical simulations of thermal diffusion potentials. J. Josserand, V. Devaud, H. G. Lagger, and H. H. Girault In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, volume 565, page 65, 2004.

Numerical simulations of linear scan anodic stripping voltammetry at a modified square array of hemispherical microelectrodes located in a thin-layer cell. P. Salaun, J. Josserand, J. Morandini, H. H. Girault, and J. Buffle In J. Electroanal. Chem, volume 566, number 1, page 147, 2004.

Generation of Mass Tags by the Inherent Electrochemistry of Electrospray for Protein Mass Spectrometry. C. Roussel, L. Dayon, N. Lion, T. C. Rohner, J. Josserand, J. S. Rossier, H. Jensen, and H. H. Girault In Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, volume 15, number 12, page 1767, 2004.

Hydro-voltaic cells. Part I. Concentration cells. G. Lagger, H. Jensen, J. Josserand, and H. H. Girault In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, volume 545, page 1, 2003.

Contact Galvani potential differences at liquidjliquid interfaces Part II. Contact diffusion potentials in microsystems. J. Josserand, G. Lagger, H. Jensen, R. Ferrigno, and H. H. Girault In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, volume 546, page 1, 2003.

Microfluidic systems in proteomics. N. Lion, T. C. Rohner, L. Dayon, I. L. Arnaud, E. Damoc, N. Youhnovski, Z.-Y. Wu, C. Roussel, J. Josserand, H. Jensen, J. S. Rossier, M. Przybylski, and H. H. Girault In Electrophoresis, volume 24, number 21, page 3533, 2003.

Contact Galvani potential differences at liquid j liquid interfaces Part I: Experimental studies on single salt distribution at liquid | liquid interfaces using a streaming technique. H. Jensen, V. Devaud, J. Josserand, and H. H. Girault In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, volume 537, page 77, 2002.

Finite Element Simulation of Ion Transfer Reactions at a Single Micro-Liquid/Liquid Interface Supported on a Thin Polymer Film. J. Josserand, J. Morandini, H. J. Lee, R. Ferrigno, and H. H. Girault In J. Electroanal. Chem, volume 468, number 1, page 42, 1999.

Coplanar Interdigitated Band Electrodes for Electrosynthesis Part 5 : Finite Simulation of Paired Reactions. R. Ferrigno, J. Josserand, P. F. Brevet, and H. H. Girault In Electrochimica Acta, volume 44, number 4, page 587, 1998.

INP Grenoble publications (LEGI-IMG laboratory)

Continuous electrodeposition modelling : tertiary current distribution on a plane electrode - Effect of the axial diffusion at low Peclet number” J.Josserand, P.Ozil, A.Alemany, S.A.Martemianov, B.Nguyen, P.Pham, Electrochemical Engineering and Energy Plenum, Plenum Press, pp.235-244 (1995).

Numerical modelling of continuous electrodeposition J.Josserand, A.Alemany, S.A.Martemianov, B.Nguyen, P.Ozil, P.Pham, E.M.Zindine, Magnetohydrodynamics, vol.30, n°4, pp.551-558 (1994)

Pressure and drag measurements on a cylinder in a liquid metal flow with an aligned magnetic field” J.Josserand, Ph.Marty, A.Alemany, Fluid Dynamic Research, pp.107-117 (1993)


bille PhD thesis (INPG)

Modélisation de l’électrodéposition continue: approche couplée hydrodynamique et électrochimique” J.Josserand, Thèse de Doctorat soutenue le 11 Mars 1994 à l’Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.



Jacques Josserand, rue de l'Eglise 4, 1269 Bassins, Switzerland
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